One More Time


Via, via, via!

Vienna, Prague, Brno, three experiences, three sensations, three characters, and three times three is nine, nine days during which we hiked, watched, discovery, encountered, traveled, eaten and, ça va sans dire, bevuto, nine days in search of memories and hopes, nine days that broke that cage of sadness that had imprisoned me for a couple of years.
Rossana who left at dawn on a gray Tuesday, she returned after a week and a half with a considerable store of memories but lighter in spirit.
At this point one of the gianographies written by mine is good sherpa / tourist agency / pusher / photographer / ecc., and it's called "GOODBYE".
The traveler knows no return. Starting is one, another person returns. If the same one returns, it is as if he had never left. Continua a leggere

Quilt Fest 2019 – Althofen

carinziastemmaI owe you an explanation, that is why only a short time I enter report sul Quilt Fest 2019 della Patchwork Gilde Austria. If you are curious to know you'll have to put up a small summary peppered with IT aspects.
we were forced to replace the end of the year personal computer with which this is handled blog. Not that the car had failed, but unfortunately it was updated the operating system, as for the one installed would no longer provide security updates, those that in the jargon they are called "Patch”. As always happens, the new operating system required more resources than the last, it's ours computer, enough already stressed, He could not stand to do.
Quindi, nell’ordine, execution of backup all data, purchase of the new computer, installation of new editing programs (because the old ones were, ovviamente, not compatible), and finally learning new software (I am always the idea that programmers do nothing but move all the controls on purpose).
At the end of that tormented path we finally publish post on the Carrefour Européen du Patchwork, e, After a well deserved break (It had been a fairly long process), One might have to go to the Austrian Quilt Fest. I stress “would”, because the "new" computer He thought it well to fail, and not just trinkets. Basically it had jumped the hard disk, irreversibly and unrecoverable.
Luckily my webmaster-sherpa-tourist guide-pusher It had been sighted, and the data were saved in a backup. In ogni caso, after repair, installation and configuration were necessary for all software, and I confess that for a while’ I've had enough of computer.
The feeling of having failed in my duties, however, requires me to give you a quick guide to what I happened to see in Carinthia. Sapete come si dice: better late than never. Continua a leggere

Wiener Neustadt – Quilt Fest 2018

banner2This article is also a warning about how easy and hard to come around with us.
Easy, because there are no pre-compiled programs, imposed mandatory targets and route plans march.
Difficult, because you go a little’ adventure, adapting to what is due and always sympathetic to the unexpected or the unusual.
Easy, because there is nothing to do but get carried away, by a bus, a train, a current, emotion, illusion.
Difficult, because it does it with the slow pace dictated by logistical contingencies and our phlegmatic temperament.
Wanting to put us over charging eleven you let me remember how much our "travel" style may seem, a ragione, injudicious. Continua a leggere

Tagliare per ricucire

Premise, tanto per esser chiare (ma quando mai…).
Su questo post non tratto di patchwork, di cucito creativo, e nemmeno di stoffa, ma in fin dei conti nulla può prescindere dal patchwork, dal cucito creativo, e dalla stoffa.
Cerco di spiegarmi (illusa…).
Anamnesi: inverno, poca luce, polso e mano doloranti, umore grigio ardesia, ispirazione latitante.
Diagnosi: metereopatia strisciante e inizi di malinconia.
Prognosi: aggravamento dei sintomi in assenza di trattamento polifunzionale.
Cura: vedi qui, di seguito. Continua a leggere

Quilt Fest – Salzburg 2013

C’è un fil rouge che percorre in lungo e in largo questo articolo, un filo che, contrariamente a quello di Arianna, non conduce a un’uscita sicura, anzi, nelle mie intenzioni dovrebbe indurre in tentazione, quella di smarrirsi in un labirinto di forme e colori per riuscire a sollevare lo spirito dalle logore geometrie quotidiane.

Questo è un filo a due capi; il primo dice: “piccolo è bello”; il secondo gli fa eco: “piccolo e bello”.

Infiniti sono i casi in cui avrete udito una delle due espressioni, ma vi posso assicurare che in occasione di questa escursione in terra d’Austria è stato possibile sposarle felicemente.

Andiamo con ordine (sparso).

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